Wednesday, May 07, 2014

current reads: whales and wyndhams

These two books have been sitting on my bedside table (well, the shelf above my bed!) for a few weeks, but I'm trying to make a conscious effort to get through them this week. It's not that I'm not interested in them, I just keep forgetting that they're there when I'm in the middle of making a quilt and knitting my current sweater. 
Leviathan, or The Whale is a non-fiction novel about one mans relationship with whales and the sea, and it's full of such amazingly interesting information, it's one of those charity shop finds that has been so good.
One of my favourite book-tubers (youtubers that talk about books, weirdly enough) Sanne Vliegenthart aka Books and Quills, recommended The Chrysalids, and it sounded right up my street. My mum dug out this pretty old copy with an awesome cover (the cool thing about having a nerdy mother is the great amount of seventies-eighties science-fiction book covers I can unearth in our house..
What are you reading at the moment?

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